Life is never boring . . . so there have absolutely been moments that I should have captured over the last 2 years. I’ve always said this blog was for my kiddos to have a way to look back on the memories of their childhood from my perspective . . . turns out, it’s for me too . . .
But life changed a lot in the last 2 years . . . and it happened at a rate that didn’t allow me a lot of time to sit and reflect.
I can’t go back and recreate posts for 2 years, but I can level set and try to pick back up a habit that allows me to reflect on life while still living in the moment.
Let’s start with a breakdown of each person in current state:
Marlie - 16 years old - Junior in high school - she’s enjoying driving her truck, rocked another softball season and gearing up for spring league, likes hanging out at Dad’s restaurant, most days likes working at the Cog, had moments where she doesn’t like “adulting” (ie paying car insurance and cell phone bills) - pushing herself in school with 4 AP classes currently . . . and is going to start scoping schools for undergrad, current career aspiration - Pediatric Surgeon (thank you Grey’s Anatomy).
Samantha - 14 years old - Freshman in high school - enjoying school events like dances and games, rocked her first season on the JV softball team, loves animals - hers and the ones at the Humane Society - loves her makeup and has her own fashion style . . . and while she’s very much a teenager, she’s still my little girl who I adore.
Evan - 11 years old - 6th grade (last year in elementary school), on his 3rd instrument, French Horn, and is awesome, moved to the older kids bowling league this year, loves video games and Pokémon cards, but not so much school (it’s a work in progress - he’s smarter than the 2 that came before him, but doesn’t like homework!) - while the grades aren’t the best right now, I’m constantly told how kind and helpful he is with everyone . . . so that’s better than a grade . . . just placed 1st in Science Olympiad, and has recently picked up roller skating (it’s becoming my standing Friday night date with my boys).
Hudson - 8 years old - 3rd grade - super excited to have a “dude” for a teacher this year, still rocking a suit at least once a week to school, always the life of the party, loves Pokémon and Legos (we plan to finally make it to Legoland next year!), and has become a champion level bowler - he’s received awards in his league and division, but also citywide been recognized and invited to tournaments . . . but mostly, he’s the one that’s still my little that hugs me and says he loves me.
So . . . that’s the status on the kiddos
As for Jay and I . . . Jay is the Culinary Manager at Ted’s Montana Grill . . . and I just started a new job on 1/1 as a Director for Cognizant/Trizetto. And next week, we will celebrate 20 years of marriage . . . and it’s been an awesome ride!!
So . . . let’s see if I can pick this habit back up . . . to take time to reflect, and for Big H and his 4th child problems so he has some more memories penned!