Friday, September 9, 2011

Jump Jump Jumperoo

Well here we go again . . . . the transition from loving the swing, to wanting to be in constant movement . . . whether it's on the floor rolling . . . or jumping in the beloved Jumperoo! Evan has been trying to stand whenever he's sitting on my lap (yes . . . he is only 4mo old) - so on a whim I brought the Jumperoo up from the basement the other night. I figured I would put him in it, he would scream, and then I would remember that both girls were over 5 months when they started enjoying the Jumperoo . . . or maybe his feet wouldn't even touch . . . ha!

As you can see . . . neither of those things happened . . . He was more than overjoyed at the new freedom . . . and I wanted to smack myself for introducing it . . . because I've done this a couple of times before . . . I know that now the swing will soon become a thing of the past . . . and that just means being able to put him in it and have "free" time is over . . . but how could you deprive a child of fun like this?!?
Along with his growing up way too fast . . . he's now enjoyed a list of several foods . . . apples, pears, plums, peaches, carrots, and sweet potatoes! Mangoes were on sale the other day, but then I read something about those waiting until 8 months . . . um, okay - they should seriously put that disclaimer on bananas, not mangoes! So I'm gonna make them - but he's only 2 days into pears, and I like to do 3-4 days before a new food.
In other milestones, Samantha has decided that she's smart enough for school too, so she does Marlie's flash cards while she's gone during the day. The school gave them to us as part of the kinder kit during roundup . . . granted, they are really too elementary for Marlie, but it's nice that they both sit down and use them - I put them all on rings so everyone can have fun with them. And Marlie has decided that she now wants to wear hairbows every day - sometimes 1, sometimes 2. I think her friend Elise wears them . . . because in 5 years of her life, she has NEVER requested to wear hairbows and actually kept them in for more than 5 minutes! She is also learning "popcorn" words (sight words) as part of her first steps in reading.
It seems very weird to me to be straddled between so many different childhood phases right now. One kid learning to read, one learning preschool things while still really a toddler, and one going through baby milestones like rolling, sitting up, and did I mention that he is trying to crawl?!?! Like he actually made it about 6ft the other day and ran straight into the tv! I mean, life isn't static - change is what makes it so awesome . . . but I kinda feel right now like everything is moving a little too fast in a few too many directions . . . who am I kidding - I totally love it . . . but maybe a little slower pace in the realm of growing up would be good!

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