Sunday, February 21, 2010

Words are not Enough

Well . . . what can I say . . .

We had planned a trip with just the girls and I to Atlanta to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Samantha started to get a cold and worried that she was going to come down with the strep I had just gotten, I took her to the doc. Doc said she was good to go, give her some OTC cold medicine and she would get over it . . .

So Thursday, packing up the car to head to ATL and we get a call that Jayson's Grandmother passed away that morning . . . so pack a little faster and get to ATL to be with our family . . . she deserves a full post to herself and I will do that in August when we have the memorial . . .

We had a great time!! See the pic from Ikea?! Totally forgot to pack the camera, so my phone is as good as it gets. We also did haircuts for the girls, consignment sale shopping, and enjoyed the beautiful weather by playing at the park and eating ice cream!! It was an awesome weekend!!

Fast forward to Sunday morning - Samantha is not doing very well - seems she has a fever and the cold medicine just isn't cutting it. So we pack up and head home. Once we get home I let each girl out of their carseats for about 2.6 minutes while I grab the thermometer and shoot Sam in the ear only to find a blaring 104.1 staring back . . . off to urgent care . . . didn't we do this last Sunday?!?!?!?!

The nurse at urgent care temps her in the ear and gets 105.2 looks at me and tells me to get out of the office and to Children's ER immediately . . . okay, done . . . did you know that if you walk in to Children's and say that your kid has a fever of 105.2 in the ear you don't even have to sit down and wait like the other 12 people in the waiting room?!?! By the time they got her back she was 105.6 in a more accurate temping area and thus began the tests . . . didn't we do this in June?!?! Why is everything repeating?!?! Me and Sam in the ER and Jayson in Nashville!!

Luckily - after IV antibiotics and IV fluids (and blood tests, and a chest xray, and a catheter, etc) - she and I were sitting and playing cards (Marlie had gone home with our friend to meet Grandma). Sammie is down to 101.5 right now and we are at home . . . but she's waking up every hour or so . . . which is why I am randomly typing a blog at midnight - as if I need to relive this day . . . .

Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start :) Who knows - someone could come and tell us we're moving to a different city!?! Ahhh - just kidding . . . .I hope . . . .

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