Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Home Depot Project

Daddy helped the girls build dry erase boards at Home Depot this weekend!Evan was super excited to watch!And apparently someone caught on, and now they are providing paint so they can paint the projects when they're done . . . we've always done that part at home with our own supplies.
The girls posing with their Daddy and the finished products :)
Marlie and Jayson had a date at Chuck E Cheese on Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, Jayson's work schedule combined with Marlie's school schedule doesn't always provide a lot of time for them to see each other . . . so Samantha and I took Evan down to Nashville and went to the mall . . . we got a package with lots of clothes for the kids from their G-rents in Minnesota, but some of the dress sizing was off - so we stopped into Carter's. The girls had a great time doing their "fashion show" with all of their new clothes!

Random story - while we were at Carter's at the mall, there was this lady whose son fell and busted his nose and lip open in the dressing room - so she came running out with blood everywhere and looked at me and said "I need some wipes please!" - obviously frantic - but when I said that I was sorry I didn't have any, she looked at me (with 2 kids) with disgust like I was lying!!! I looked at her and said "I'm sorry, I cloth diaper and I don't have disposable wipes" - she kept walking and was still irritated when I offered up some band aids, that I did have. WTF?!?!? It just really irritated me that she was so rude . . .especially after another woman had given her some disposable wipes. It was just annoying . . .

1 comment:

Tina. said...

How DARE you not have disposable wipes!!!! ;)