Saturday, December 31, 2011


Well . . . It's New Years Eve and I can say that this will be the best one in a few years!! In 2008 we partied it up with some great friends to ring in 2009 . . . and then the last 2 have pretty much sucked! I rang in 2010 vomitting next to Marlie in a bed (who was also vomitting) and pretty convinced I was going to die . . . Jayson was in another state. Then I rang in 2011, again no champagne, since I was prego . . . Jayson was in another state. So I'm saying since we will be in the same state and even the same house on NYE, we are taking a step in the right direction!!! And we have BIG plans . . .BIG, HUGE . . . I'm talking take-out Japanese, champagne, maybe some Irish whiskey and doing our darndest to make it to midnight . . . which given that list, means are plans for New Years Day will be NOTHING :)

I could write a list of the "Top 11 of 11" - but honestly, we welcomed our son into the world this year, everything else on the list would kinda pale in comparison. And I could write a list of my goals for the upcoming year, but at the wise old age of 30 I have realized that the truly important goals don't really change with the flip of a calendar . . . you know, try and find enough time to maintain adult, coherent thoughts so that you can have grown up conversation and a fun marriage and raise happy, healthy, thriving children . . .

2011 was a great year . . . I think 2012 will be a great year . . . it's not very prophetic, but let's be real . . . I have a house to undecorate from the holidays and those 3 happy, thriving children have about 10 times more energy than me today . . . and that son I mentioned earlier, yea, he's decided that at 2 days over 8 months old, he's got this crawling thing knocked, so it's time to start pulling up and trying to cruise . . . and at this particular moment, he is climbing on his sisters and trying to jump on them . . . so that's all you get :) ha!

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