Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Fever Awards

Since we are in award season, I thought I would do a little award session of my own for our little family.

The award for worst reaction to a fever EVER . . . . goes to Marlie Katherine, age 10 months.
Do you think you'd freak out if your child looked like that and the doc just said "oh, it's her body's reaction to a fever, give her Tylenol"?! And it was FULL body . . . I swore she had somehow caught the measels from an unvaccinated kid!!!

The award for highest fever in the Crandall household . . . goes to Samantha Michelle, with 105.9, age 19 months!
And our newcomer to the awards, Evan Michael, winning his breakout award in "Spiking the quickest fever" going from normal to 102 in 30 minutes . . .thanks to a heinous ear infection.
Evan also received honorable metion in the sharing category because he has given his loveliness to me, and we all know my body turns anything into strep . . . so I am now off to the doctor to get a strep test!!

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