Sunday, December 16, 2012


After a jammie day always comes a super productive one!  And Daddy had closed the night before, so I like to give him a few hours of quiet to sleep in, whenever possible . . . because honestly, it's not always possible!  So we were up and on our way to Publix at 7am!
We went around from store to store gathering supplies.  Then during rest time I got busy!  Starting with movie baskets for the 3 teachers we have.  Some fancy shmancy printables, a few goodies, and redbox gift certificates . . .
And you have a totally Pintrest-worthy movie night basket for $5!  Oh yeah!  I did 3 of them.
Then it was on to baking round one!  We started with Christmas tree gingerbread cookies with M&Ms . . . and naturally I had plenty of help!
We made those for all of the special area teachers to go with this cute little poem about M&Ms
Then it was on to peppermint cookies and peppermint bark . . . and then cooking dinner and baths, so that was the end of pictures for the day!!  That was also the END!!!!!  All of the baked goods will be packaged up tomorrow and delivered and we are done . . . all of the gift wrapping, toy drive, baking, etc. is done . . . its pure fun from here on out baby!!

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