Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekend Fun

After panicking and calling poison control Friday night, I thought we needed some chocolate!  Then I remembered an activity sheet I had for M&Ms.  Hey - if I am giving you chocolate at 7:30pm on a Friday night, we are going to incorporate some learning . . . and they had a blast counting and adding, and naturally, eating! 
We had so much fun we busted out some more sugar and used pull and peel Twizzlers to make shapes :)
Saturday morning we headed to Home Depot naturally.  They made race cars . . . for the 3rd time!  I'm not knocking the design people for the Kids Workshops . . . we have been doing this for almost 5 years, with very few misses, so I expect repeats!
Saturday was also Dr. Seuss' birthday.  I had planned to go to the library after nap because they were having crafts and readings and such for the kids . . . that did not happen . . . a few minutes into our drive to the library I got a stupid migraine!  At least that's what I think it is.  This is the 3rd time this has happened to me.  Once right before I got pregnant with Evan, once while I was pregnant with him, and then yesterday.  Unfortunately, yesterday was the only time that I haven't been in my home - to say that I was scared shitless would be a massive understatement.  When these migraines have happened, it starts with my vision going blurry, then doubling, then my depth perception disappears (yes, while I was driving), then the tingling starts in my fingers on my right hand and proceeds up my hand, all the way up my arm, to the back of my neck, takes over the right side of my face, my face goes numb, I can't speak and then, finally then, the pain goes behind my eye and stabs the back of my eye, at which point I vomit and then have a headache for around 2 hours and a body ache for about 4.  Sounds fun, huh??  Luckily this takes about 30 minutes of progression - so I was able to call my Mom while I could still use my mouth and of course, get home before shit hit the fan.  Yes it sounds like a freaking stroke, yes I have talked with my doctor when it happened and will talk with him this week, but it is very simply my body's reaction to a migraine is to replicate an effing stroke. It's only happened 3 times in my life now . . . I am starting to think that it's my payback for never getting a headache with a hangover . . .
Anyway, life went on and we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday Sunday morning instead - I'm sure he doesn't mind since we had been partying it up all week long!
I did a craft from One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish with the kids using their handprints.  I put down edible goldfish to keep Evan in the game :)

And then we made some peppermint crunch sugar cookies and used red sparkly gel to draw on symbols from a bunch of the books we have been reading.  I will be honest and say that the cookie making part of craft time was more about me using the cookie dough that was left from Christmas :) We also played with our green Easter eggs - we put rhyming words from Green Eggs and Ham on them and then match the tops and bottoms.
Despite migraines and shots of peroxide, no one actually vomitted or had diarhea this weekend . . . so this one goes in the win column! I feel like my standards have been drastically lowered thanks to the last few weeks . . .

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