Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Middle Ones

I never wanted 3 kids - I didn't want someone to be in the middle. 4 kids seemed perfect . . . with 4 no one would be in the middle, and if they were, at least they would have someone in the middle with them. Yep - 4 was my number (and thankfully became the number of the other person responsible for making that happen)! And I will say that I have been blessed with the perfect configuration of 4 - at least in my mind - 2 boys and 2 girls grouped together in age by gender. I mean, you can't beat it - everyone gets to develop relationships with older and younger siblings, everyone gets a brother and a sister, and for room and clothes sharing it works out splendidly!

Our oldest and our youngest hold unique places in our parenting journey. One made us parents and one was the cap on becoming "new parents". One provided us with all of our firsts and another with all of our lasts. They are each special in their own way. But then there are our middles . . . 2 of the most unique people ever.
Each time I look at them I see how wonderful it is that they have each other and that they are perfect as "middles" together :)

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