Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our Little People

One of my favorite movies includes a rant by a Mom to her husband in which she says "and our kids, they're great kids, and we made them, first there were no people there, and now there's people . . . " Somedays I kind of get overwhelmed by that - 5 years ago there were no people, and now there are 3 distinct personalities that we have quite literally created and begun to develop - it's a very awesome thing this parenting business . . . we made these 3 little people . . . and man, they are pretty damn cool!
When Marlie came bounding in from the bus today, she had a snack, and immediately wanted to sit down and play with Samantha . . . and now that Evan has his newfound mobility, he saw a card game going on and rolled right over to see what was up!! I want to make some notes about these guys for a minute . . .

- wow, if any baby at not quite 4 months old can look like a little man, it's my boy!! I put that GA jersey on him yesterday (and btw, I'm not a GA fan! Heather commented that he rolled because he wanted out of it - I totally agree!!!) and he looked like a football player! I am guessing his measurements at 4mo will compare to that of his sisters at 9mo - and they were not small babies! I looked into his eyes today and they just light up like no other eyes I have ever seen! I remember when Samantha was a baby I was shocked at how much she smiled and what a ham she was - Marlie was my serious baby, she was also my BFF at 6 mo old because she provided more attention and look of concern than most adults - so Sam seemed just jubilant! But this boy, my son . . . holy cow . . . that kid's smile and his eyes light me up in a way I don't think I could've imagined in a million years . . . I am pretty sure it's because he looks very similar to the only other man in my life whose smile can make me smile . . . I just stare in Evan's eyes and wonder why it took me 3 kids to realize that the moments I sit my ass still for long enough to stare at a baby are the ones that life should be made of . . . but the lesson has been learned. Anyway - he is now a rolling machine in his 12mo clothes (and on the last rise of a cloth diaper that's supposed to last until 35lbs . . . the Bum Genius peeps and I are going to have to have a discussion about that I have a feeling) . . . and he loves homemade applesauce . . .

- She is starting to get used to life in the limelight when big sister isn't around - but in her own way. She isn't running around all crazy because Marlie's gone - but boy is she talking and making sure her words are heard . . . and they are some good ones too. Today she asked if she could have some fruit "because if I eat healthy fruits and vegetables and drink healthy drinks like milk I will grow big and strong" ;) We picked up a Sesame Street preschool binder today - thank you Borders for going out of business so we could score this binder for $4 instead of $25!. We got home and after nap she just wanted to sit down and do the whole thing - not possible - but she wanted to try. I have zero concerns about doing her preschool at home - she is very well on her way! And while she will give her sister a run for the money in stuborness, my little Sammie is as sweet a little girl as I could've ever imagined having as a daughter. I love her more than words . . .

- oh my goodness! I love this chic! She is me so much that I am terrified to my core of life in 10 years. I think I was prepared for kindergarten and the school part of it . . . I don't know that I was or am prepared for the social part and little miss independence! First it was "you don't need to walk me to the bus" - then came the explanation that the big kids don't have their moms there. Now tonight it was "do you think I could pack chocolate milk in my lunch tomorrow - they sell it my school in the cafeteria and some of the kids get to buy all of their food in there and get chocolate milk" . . . let me tell you, lunch could be free and I will still pack her food - I have seen the menu, and frankly, I ate the menu! After years of private school with no cafeteria and packing lunch, I was exhilarated to get to buy cafeteria food at a public school - live and learn! Then after the request was "well, maybe I can just pack my own lunch in the morning - a pb&j, some strawberries, some veggie sticks, maybe a hardboiled egg, and some chocolate milk" - I think I will have to pick my battles. She has eaten her whole lunch every day - carrots, fruit, and all - so maybe we can make occassional exceptions - I'm thinking "Chocolate Milk Monday"?! Tell me she wouldn't learn to read the calendar?!? :) And I snapped a pic of Jayson taking her to the bus (she let him, but I don't know for how long) . . .
Jayson acted all appalled like I was embarassing everyone! "Are you going to take her picture EVERY time she gets on the bus?" Um, this was the 2nd time EVER in her life getting on a bus - and it's not like I'm his Mom embarassing him . . . and anyway, how fabulous would you feel if every day you got into your car to go to work and someone went all paparazzi and snapped your pic?! I would feel pretty damn special! ha! But I do live in reality, so I will reserve photo taking for before she walks out of the door and/or the first day each year . . . because we all know how embarassing parents are . . . gah . . . :)

I love our little people . . . they are pretty much the coolest . . .


Wiz said...

I'm so glad you had a boy :)

So funny about the GA onesie.

Sounds like you have some great kiddos!

eHawkins said...

Your kids sound amazing! I love how independent Marlie is but I can see how that scares you to death. That Sam, she's getting in her talk time. :-)