Sunday, February 19, 2012

I Know

You could obviously fill more books with the things I don't know than with the things I do, but here are a few things that, today at least, I know . . .
  • I know that I have had a 10 month old baby in my care before . . . how is it possible that I blocked out all of the issues that surround separation anxiety when they are home with you all day?!!??
  • I know that Evan will walk before he turns 1 . . . but seriously, the pulling on my pant legs anytime I stand still for more than 30 seconds . . . GOING TO MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND
  • I know that Marlie did not have the clingyness that both Samantha and Evan have had at this age . . . and I know it is solely because she was in daycare full time . . . and I know that I will take the kid hanging off my pants and screaming every time I leave the room and acting like they didn't cut the umbilical cord off of him if I am within 3 feet over only seeing my baby for 2 hours a day Monday - Friday . . .
  • I know that Evan is my only child to willingly stick his head under the running faucet in the bathtub . . . the girls still don't like to go under water in the pool!
  • I know that one day I will have time to sit around and to sleep . . . but for now, trying to get up earlier than 3 kids to have time to workout is in my best interest . . . 5am and I are slowly becoming friends . . . but it's making it hard for me to stay friends with 10pm :)
  • I know that it looks like I ask Sota to pose in pictures . . . I do not . . .
  • I know no matter how many toys you have in a house, there is nothing, NOTHING, that beats destroying a cabinet with pots and pans!
  • I know that one day I will look back on these days and only remember the moments, not the stupid days where I think I want to pull my hair out if one more person says "Mom" or cries . . . but that is one day, not today . . . so I have to remember that I know there are few things in life that a hot shower at naptime won't make better!
  • I know in my heart that Evan is going to be the last of "the firsts" . . . and I try every day to keep that in mind . . . there isn't going to be a next time on the babyness . . . but when you're trying to cook dinner and someone is swinging on your pants while someone else is telling you that they won't eat whatever it is you're cooking (and they don't even know what it is because that doesn't really matter), there just aren't enough deep breaths or happy thought of babyness . . .
  • I know this sounds like a lot of complaining . . . and it kinda is . . . but this blog wouldn't be a very real depiction of life with my family if it was all sunshines and unicorns would it?! :)

Speaking of unicorns, I just found the cutest kids game that is similar to pin the tail on the donkey, but it's tape the mane on the unicorn with streamers! Totally playing it at the girls' birthday party this year . . . it's hot shower time!

1 comment:

Wiz said...

Oooh how I love this post! I can totally relate. I am also interested to see what happens with separation anxiety with Sula because Colt was in daycare and didnt have it but since Sula is with me all day, I think I am in for it.