Saturday, June 23, 2012

Samantha Michelle - A Day at 4 Years Old

I have been wanting to do a photo post with just pictures from a normal day . . . this has proven a little more difficult than I expected. I didn't want to do a school day when Marlie was gone, and then as soon as school was over we were off to Disney, and every day has just been filled. So I decided I better just pick a day because no day in our near future is going to be any less full of activiity than they are right now . . . yesterday I knocked out 2 birds with one stone by documenting Samantha's 4th birthday . . . I figure if all days are going to be busy, may as well pick one with meaning! I took one picture every hour . . .

Most days I try to get up before the kids and workout and get ready . . . it seems since vacation I am just aiming for getting ready . . .I have to get back to the working out but sometimes sleep is so nice!  Anyway, I am up by 6:30am at the latest it seems for our summer schedule - Evan joins me and we have a little playtime. And then the girls get up and we get moving!!

7:15am - breakfast.  Since it was Sam's birthday Marlie wanted to give her the present she picked out right away - a Jasmine set.  So they lingered at the table for a while . . .
and Evan headed to the playroom - once this dude is done eating he has no use for his highchair - it makes restaurants super fun.
8:30am - dressed and ready to hit the road for swim lessons.  This was the last day of lessons.  Marlie did awesome - she went off the diving board and the water slide . . . but still not enough to get moved up to Level 2.  I am not upset at all - I mean, she went in the water and went under - such a huge improvement.  Samantha will go to preschool lessons next year - but overall she became more comfortable with the water and will have fun for the rest of the summer, and that was the goal.  And Evan went with the flow . . .because that's what he does!

 9:30am - No picture - we were in the middle of swim lessons

10:30am - We finished up lessons so we went to play in the kid pool - or the big bathtub as I call it - because once everyone busts out their toys, that's pretty much what it looks like!
 11:30am - We were hanging out after lessons for a bit . . . but since we had done this almost every day for 2 weeks, everyone was just ready to be done pretty early.

12:30pm - The kids ate lunch at the pool, so it was naptime when we got home.  Samantha got the special treat of skipping nap since it was her birthday, but we still had quiet time - and I got to eat lunch!
 1:30pm - I enjoyed my lunch and did some reading for quiet time
Samantha played with her Jasmine set
Marlie napped on the couch
And Evan slept
 2:30pm - breaks over when this one wakes up!  He was down for almost 3 hours though, so not too bad.
 3:30pm - Chuck E Cheese!  In our house you get to pick the entire day's activities and meals on your birthday.  Naturally she followed sister's lead and chose Chuck E Cheese! 
 4:30pm - still at the Cheese!  But we had to squeeze in one more ride with Stuart Little before leaving
 5:30pm - Samantha wanted cheese pizza for dinner . . . and I'm sorry, but after this many years, I am just not a fan of Old Chicago pizza (I love their menu - I'm just way over the pizza!).  But I freaking love crazy bread . . . and that Little Cesar's has a drive thru!
 Unfortunately for Evan - he doesn't get to partake in the junk food all the time just yet - so he had a nice little three course dinner 
 6:15pm - This one passed out early . . . the pool just takes it out of you!
 And the girls supervised Grandma making Samantha's birthday dessert.  Marlie requested an ice cream pie on her birthday and Sammie asked for "apple pie with fresh apples and no crust" - we translated that to apple crisp and she was in heaven!
 7:40pm - Storytime and bedtime with Grandma - they got a new book at the book fair the other day Barbie Mermaid Tale 2!
 8:15pm - this was going to be a picture of my beer, but when I went out onto the deck and looked over it was a mother deer and a teeny tiny baby fawn.  You can see the momma and the brown speck to the right is the baby . . . I watched them for about 30 minutes before they slowly walked away.
  And there you have it . . . that is pretty much what a normal day looks like at our house!

And as for this particular day . . . it was pretty awesome for our little ray of sunshine.  Samantha Michelle . . . I think I have known your personality from the womb.  You moved around like no other baby I've known . . . and when it was time to come out, you said "no thanks" and made them come and get you . . . and ever since then you have been a mover and shaker and the light of our lives.  You are becoming such a big girl at 4 . . . you can write your name and know so much more than I could ever have imagined you knowing so young!  You love meeting people and introduce yourself by saying "Hi, I'm Sammie, what's your name".  But you will still be shy around people you know :)  You quote movies and books and get so excited sometimes that you forget your voice has a volume level . . . but the inflection in your tone makes it exciting to hear . . . even when it's loud.  You're going to start Pre-K in just 6 weeks . . . and I think it will be tough for both of us, but you are going to rock it like you do everything else . . . like your favorite 150 piece puzzle right now!  You have finally decided that Evan is ok and that maybe you should show him the ropes because there are things he just doesn't get!

We love you Sammie, more than you will ever know . . . and you are the most unique, sweetest little ball of fire we could ever imagine having as a daughter. Happy 4th birthday sweet girl.

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