Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Week in Our New Home

Well we all survived the move and the unpacking! So yesterday after a week of all that business it was time to bust out of the house and head to the zoo (which is now 30 miles closer!!).
Yes I know Evan has on heart sunglasses and is posing his hand . . . We have learned to just accept it :) As you can see in the background, we gave our new stroller a test run - turns out it's still as awesome as I remember the one at Disney being!!
A few notes: lemurs and meerkats were favorites, Evan's favorite thing is holding the map, and while walking the zoo 6mo pregnant was fine, doing it 4 weeks before birth was completely unacceptable! But the kids had fun and were excited that we got a membership so we will be able to go back when I am more able-bodied!

Speaking of the body - mine grew a little in 3 short weeks!
Not sure where the next 4 weeks of growth is going to go?!?!? It's getting uncomfortable - I always know when I have hit my limit of pregnancy, I begin to start wishing for my c-section date. No one who has gone through the recovery of a cesarean wishes for that pain UNLESS it's less than their current state of constant discomfort. I will say it again - I am too old for this! Pregnancy at 24 was a breeze, not so much at 33! And to finish off the awesomeness, I have developed carpal tunnel - so my entire right arm will go numb. It started just at night, but it now happens throughout the entire day and is pretty darn painful! It also causes me to wake up at 5am, because who wants to get some actual sleep before they are deprived of it for a few months?!? Ugh!!!

But we are excited to be in our new home and in our new town. I didn't realize my extreme dislike for Clarksville until we finally got out of there. The biggest thing I notice now - Clarksville isn't a southern town - it's a military town imitating one! To truly be back in a southern town has reminded me of why I wanted to raise my family in the south - I love it!!!!! And oh, the civilization - it only took me 14 minutes to drive to Michaels instead of 55!

So now a little countdown:

4 weeks until baby arrives
3 weeks left of work
2 weeks until Grandma moves down
1 week until school starts 

We have nothing going on :)

1 comment:

Tina. said...

The meerkats were always my favorite. I had to make a conscious effort to go see the other animals at that zoo.