Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Time is Flying

Clearly I used to blog more about life and the happenings that keep it interesting. But lately it seems there are a lot of days where time runs out . . . and frankly my energy goes way before that . . . 

Yesterday was actually pretty normal - it involved getting Marlie to and from gymnastics, my Mom to and from physical therapy, I traded Sam's karate time for taking Evan to the doctor, and oh yea, there was that little thing called my job that naggingly needs to be done on a weekday. Ever tried to balance between mute and talking on a conference call with 6 people in a car while rushing between places and looking over your shoulder to see if someone is vomitting for a second time in your new vehicle?!? Because I know that I had the above scenario play through my head when I envisioned what my ideal work day would look like when planning a career . . . 

Ultimately by the time I reach a moment of peace and/or silence on 5 out of 7 days a week, the last thing I want to do is recount the moments of the day, even the good ones! 

This season of life is no less filled with greatness than other times that I wrote about more, it's just different. And the time that I have to leisurely write and look at pictures doesn't really happen most days. 

But there are always the weekends when we do squeeze in as much fun as possible . . . and though he may not have as many funny stories about his first 2 years as his middle siblings . . . I think he will know one day it wasn't because they didn't happen . . . 
3 more weeks and he wok officially be my last baby at home . . . Maybe we will find some more time for writing then . . .

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